Knowledge Base



Noteworthy Changes in v9.8.0+ - Optional Telerik Removal

The major highlight for this release is that we removed all our dependencies on the Telerik library. In oder to not make this a breaking change, we do leave Telerik removal as a manual option until v10. The main component that still relied on Telerik where Site Assets and Global assets which used Digital Assets Manager. We ship with v9.8.0 a new file manager that has no dependencies on Telerik but it is not installed by default to not break existing sites upon upgrades. Please note that it will be automatically replaced in v10, so please test and plan accordingly.

To identify any third-party extension(s) that depend on Telerik, our very own @mitchelsellers has published the DNN Telerik Identifier module which you can download and install to to find assemblies that reference Telerik. Carefully review the results from this module to determine if your website is ready for full removal of Telerik. For any third-party modules that depend on Telerik, you should contact the module vendor/developer before following the steps below.

If you would like to remove Telerik in DNN 9.8.0 following are the steps to do so. Again, proceed with caution based on your findings using the DNN Telerik Identifier module above, as performing these steps may also break third-party extensions that depend on Telerik. We recommend you contact the developer/vendor in these cases for further guidance.

  1. Create a full backup of the site and database.
  2. Install the new Resource Manager module via Extensions > Available Extensions (Modules).
  3. Navigate to Manage > Site Assets via the Persona Bar and remove the Digital Assets Management module from the page.
  4. Add an instance of the Resource Manager module to the Site Assets page.
  5. Navigate to Manage > Global Assets via the Persona Bar and repeat Steps 3 & 4 for that page.
  6. Navigate to Settings > SQL Console via the Persona Bar and run the following script:
UPDATE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Packages
SET IsSystemPackage = 0
WHERE Name IN ('DigitalAssetsManagement', 'DotNetNuke.Telerik.Web', 'DotNetNuke.Web.Deprecated', 'DotNetNuke.Website.Deprecated')

DELETE FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}PackageDependencies
WHERE (PackageName = 'DotNetNuke.Web.Deprecated')

UPDATE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Lists] SET Text = 'DotNetNuke.Web.UI.WebControls.Internal.PropertyEditorControls.DateEditControl, DotNetNuke.Web'
WHERE ListName = 'DataType' AND Value = 'Date'

UPDATE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Lists] SET Text = 'DotNetNuke.Web.UI.WebControls.Internal.PropertyEditorControls.DateTimeEditControl, DotNetNuke.Web'
WHERE ListName = 'DataType' AND Value = 'DateTime'
  1. Navigate to Settings > Servers in the Persona Bar and click the Clear Cache button in the top-right corner.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Extensions (Modules) in the Persona Bar and uninstall the Digital Assets Management extension. Be sure to check the Delete Files checkbox.
  3. Navigate to Settings > Extensions (Libraries) in the Persona Bar and uninstall the DotNetNuke Telerik Web Components extension. Be sure to check the Delete Files checkbox.
  4. Navigate to Settings > Extensions (Libraries) in the Persona Bar and uninstall the DNN Deprecated Web Controls Library extension. Be sure to check the Delete Files checkbox.
  5. Navigate to Settings > Extensions (Libraries) in the Persona Bar and uninstall the DotNetNuke Deprecated Website Codebehind files extension. Be sure to check the Delete Files checkbox.
  6. Open the web.config file within the site root and search for "Telerik". Delete any lines that reference it.
  7. Test all third-party modules to make sure they still work without Telerik. If any do not work properly, please contact the developer/vendor for further guidance.
Posted in: DNN

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