SQL Server 2008 R2



First you need to add, using System.Diagnostics.  This provides the hook to the classes that will enable you to push your error to the Windows Ev...

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  (SELECT [Value] FROM Lists where EntryID = (SELECT PropertyValue FROM UserProfile WHERE UserId = U.UserId AND PropertyDefinitionID = (SELECT ...

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DNN Region Lookup
To get this resolved you need to start you Internet Explorer as Administrator -> Run as Administrator then open the url http://<Server name>/...

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SQL Reporting, SSRS
I had a need for getting a property details for a SSR report and came up with the following store procedure  . . . I thought it might be useful t...

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Ventrian Property Agent
Get a list of the database names and database size in a sql server instance using tsql: EXEC sp_databases sp_databases
Try running . . . . exec sp_updatestats; SQL, DNN
Select ISNULL(NULLIF(GIBS_FBLineItems.ReportType, ''), '--Undefined--') as ReportType from GIBS_FBLineItems SQL
select dp2.name as role, dp1.name as owner from sys.database_principals as dp1 inner join sys.database_principals as dp2 on dp1.principal_id = dp2.own...

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SQL Roles
PROCEDURE: This article tells you how to shrink a DotNetNuke database’s log file via Microsoft’s SQL Server Management Studio. 1) Lo...

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ldf, logfile, sql log, truncate, shrink database, full transaction log error
When running a named instance of MS SQL the instance will run on a port other than the usual port 1433. To determine the port you can use th...

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