Knowledge Base


                    ListItem lisource = ddlDonationSour...

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Dropdown list
Solution 1: Ensure your Server is in multi-user mode From the File menu, select Switch Company File to Multi User Mode. NOTE: If the server is cur...

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Quickbooks POS
If you are getting the WHOLE window as a white screen, no address bar or anything, try running it with the flag --disable-gpu, then go into the settin...

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Google Chrome
Issue after upgrade from 8 to 9.1. I ended up deleting all settings in HostSettings and PortalSettings tables that started with SMTP*. Once I did that...

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Posted in: DNN
Add a stylesheet from custom DNN module settings HtmlGenericControl css1 = new HtmlGenericControl("link"); css1.Attributes["type&qu...

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css, stylesheet, DNN Module Settings
<style type="text/css"> @media print {   a[href]:after {     content: none !important;   } } </s...

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css, printing
Posted in: CSS
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