posted on May 23, 2024 13:59
// AZURE SQL USES GREENWICH MEAN TIME . . . Azure SQL Database does not support time zone settings; it always follows UTC. Use AT TIME ZONE in SQL Database if you need to interpret date and time information in a non-UTC time zone.
Declare @current_utc_offset int
IF ServerProperty('EngineEdition') >= 5
set @current_utc_offset = (select convert(int, left(current_utc_offset,3)) AS current_utc_offset from sys.time_zone_info Where Name = 'US Eastern Standard Time')
Then I use this information to adjust the query data
SELECT dateadd(hour, @current_utc_offset, dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, [CreatedOnDate]), 0)) as TimeStampHour
Complete Query Used for report:
IF ServerProperty('EngineEdition') >= 5
set @current_utc_offset = (select convert(int, left(current_utc_offset,3)) AS current_utc_offset from sys.time_zone_info Where Name = 'US Eastern Standard Time')
if(@ServiceLocation='0' or @ServiceLocation is null)
set @ServiceLocation=null;
SELECT dateadd(hour, @current_utc_offset, dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, [CreatedOnDate]), 0)) as TimeStampHour
, Count(*) AS ClientsServed
FROM [GIBS_FBClientsVisits]
( [CreatedOnDate]
BETWEEN @StartDate
and @EndDate)
and (@ServiceLocation is null or GIBS_FBClientsVisits.ServiceLocation=@ServiceLocation)
GROUP BY dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, [CreatedOnDate]), 0)
ORDER BY dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, [CreatedOnDate]), 0)