Knowledge Base


Declare @PortalId int; Set @PortalId = 0; SELECT 'OwnerFirstName' = U.FirstName, 'OwnerLastName' = U.LastName, 'OwnerEmail' = U.Email ...

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DNN Region Lookup SQL
Posted in: DNN, SQL Scripts
Cause This issue occurs when you try to sync to a Gmail account after July 15, 2014 and Basic Authentication has not been enabled for your Gma...

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Outlook, GMail
Posted in: E-Mail
public static string NumberToWords(int number) { if (number == 0) return "zero"; if (number < 0) return "minus " + N...

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Posted in: C Sharp - C#
“Ems” (em): The “em” is a scalable unit that is used in web document media. An em is equal to the current font-size, for insta...

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Posted in: CSS
10 Reasons to use DNN for new websites
As a web design consultant specializing in DNNSoftware, I often get asked the question "why use DNN?". Why not use Microsoft's SharePoint, or Conte...

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DNN, Open Source, DotNetNuke
Posted in: DNN
Set value of a textbox to today's date using jQuery: $("#<%= cbxLeaseSentToOwner.ClientID %>").click(function () { var isCh...

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